My Prayer

Heavenly Father I lift up our nation before you and ask that you heal our nation.
We have turned our back on you and don't deserve your attention, but Father I ask that you not forget us and please come to our aid in this very dark hour.
It seems like the enemy is gaining such ground as never before as they wipe away your presence in all our public places in this once great Jude o-Christian country.
Forgive us of our sins of omission Lord and help us in our infirmities. We have sinned greatly against you Lord. Please heal our land and raise up Christians that will stand the gap for our country in leadership roles.
We humbly ask it in the name of your son and our Lord, Jesus Christ
Thank you Lord for signs of you at work and answering my prayer and the prayers of so many.
The overturning of Roe v Wade by our Supreme Court is truly the beginning of ridding our nation of this terrible scourge of the killing of over 60 million babies in the last 50 years. May you continue to work until the god of
Ba lam is no longer heard in our nation.